Нашите проекти

Представяме ви нашите успешни проекти в строителството.

Two high-rise buildings under construction dominate the scene, featuring multiple floors with large glass windows. A yellow construction crane is situated between the buildings, indicating ongoing construction work. The structures have a modern design with a mixture of reflective panels and unfinished surfaces.
Two high-rise buildings under construction dominate the scene, featuring multiple floors with large glass windows. A yellow construction crane is situated between the buildings, indicating ongoing construction work. The structures have a modern design with a mixture of reflective panels and unfinished surfaces.
Жилищни пространства

Създаваме модерни и функционални жилищни пространства, които отговарят на нуждите на нашите клиенти и осигуряват комфорт и стил в ежедневието.

A large multi-story building under construction with visible scaffolding and cranes. The structure appears to be made of concrete and steel, with an open frame on several floors. A white car is driving on the road in front of the construction site, and there are safety barriers and signage visible along the sidewalk.
A large multi-story building under construction with visible scaffolding and cranes. The structure appears to be made of concrete and steel, with an open frame on several floors. A white car is driving on the road in front of the construction site, and there are safety barriers and signage visible along the sidewalk.
Търговски сгради

Изграждаме естетични и издръжливи търговски сгради, които са проектирани да отговорят на динамичните изисквания на бизнеса и да осигурят оптимална функционалност.

Галерия проекти

Разгледайте нашите иновативни строителни решения и успешни проекти.

A large construction site featuring machinery and equipment situated in a wide, open landscape. In the background, modern high-rise residential buildings are visible against a hilly landscape.
A large construction site featuring machinery and equipment situated in a wide, open landscape. In the background, modern high-rise residential buildings are visible against a hilly landscape.
A modern commercial area with a multistory building under construction in the background. The foreground features a small plaza with people walking and pigeons scattered around. On the left, a large building with bold signage and glass storefront windows is visible, and a smaller semi-circular building on the right. A yellow construction crane is located near the tall building under construction.
A modern commercial area with a multistory building under construction in the background. The foreground features a small plaza with people walking and pigeons scattered around. On the left, a large building with bold signage and glass storefront windows is visible, and a smaller semi-circular building on the right. A yellow construction crane is located near the tall building under construction.
A series of tall, white residential apartment buildings lines the left side of a paved road. Construction is ongoing in the area with visible construction materials and a crane in the background. Sparse greenery is present on either side of the road leading up to the buildings.
A series of tall, white residential apartment buildings lines the left side of a paved road. Construction is ongoing in the area with visible construction materials and a crane in the background. Sparse greenery is present on either side of the road leading up to the buildings.
High-rise buildings and construction cranes dominate the urban landscape. A combination of modern skyscrapers and mid-rise buildings, with a construction site featuring cranes. Some buildings have signage, indicating institutional use.
High-rise buildings and construction cranes dominate the urban landscape. A combination of modern skyscrapers and mid-rise buildings, with a construction site featuring cranes. Some buildings have signage, indicating institutional use.

Отзиви клиенти

Професионализъм и качество, които надминават очакванията на клиентите.

dahilov construction предостави отлична услуга и превърна мечтите ми в реалност.

Иван Петров
A construction site is enclosed by metal fencing, with visible orange and white safety barriers inside. There are several bicycles parked against a building in the background. A mix of residential and commercial buildings surround the site, with some windows having floral decorations.
A construction site is enclosed by metal fencing, with visible orange and white safety barriers inside. There are several bicycles parked against a building in the background. A mix of residential and commercial buildings surround the site, with some windows having floral decorations.


Изключително доволен съм от работата на dahilov construction. Те са истински професионалисти и създадоха невероятен дом за мен и семейството ми.

A construction site with several large buildings in various stages of completion, surrounded by dirt and construction equipment. The area is near a residential neighborhood with houses and trees visible in the background.
A construction site with several large buildings in various stages of completion, surrounded by dirt and construction equipment. The area is near a residential neighborhood with houses and trees visible in the background.
Мария Георгиева

